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Produce Safety

Produce Safety

University of Florida Produce Safety

The University of Florida Produce Safety team provides workshops, trainings, and events for growers and food production workers across the State of Florida. These programs are designed to teach produce safety practices based on the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs). With the changing landscape of food production, UF's produce safety team designs programs that address the needs of new, minority, and non-english speaking food production workers. With the incorporation of the latestest research, technology, and collaborations, these programs have been able to meet the needs of diverse populations throughout the Southern Region. 

Oranges in packingline
Man with soil


Diverse Extension Programs 

The University of Florida Produce Safety team collaborates with many Land Grant Universities to provide growers and food production workers the latest research and practices in food safety. Through our collaborations we have been able to conduct trainings such as Produce Safety Grower Trainings and workshops such as Produce Safety in Minutes and Case Studies in Produce Safety. Watch a our Everyday Produce Safety Webinar which was produced in collaboration with Florida Mechanical and Agricultural University (FAMU). 

Everyday Produce Safety: Worker Health and Hygiene & Worker Training 

Managing Employees and Volunteers Webinar 

Extension Project Collaborators