Produce Safety Resources
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Food Safety Resource Clearinghouse
The Food Safety Resource Clearinghouse is a curated and crowd-sourced collection of Produce Safety Rule (PSR) and Preventive Controls for Human Food Rule (PCHFR) resources related to the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). Published resources have been developed and continue to be developed by many different partners in research, education, outreach, and regulatory roles.
Southern Center/LRCC
The overall goal of the Southern Center is to build a collaborative infrastructure in the Southern US to support Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) compliant training, education, extension, outreach, and technical assistance as it relates to the produce industry.
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
FDACS supports and promotes Florida agriculture, protects the environment, safeguards consumers, and ensures the safety and wholesomeness of food. Our programs and activities are so varied and extensive, they touch the life of just about every Floridian.
Produce Safety Alliance
The Produce Safety Alliance (PSA) is a collaboration between Cornell University, FDA, and USDA to prepare fresh produce growers to meet the regulatory requirements included in the United States Food and Drug Administration’s Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule.
Food Safety Preventative Controls Alliance
FSPCA is a broad-based public private alliance consisting of industry, academic and government stakeholders whose mission is to develop curricula, and training and outreach programs to support compliance with the prevention-oriented standards of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).
National Good Agricultural Practices
The National Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Program was established in 1999, and has collaborators in 34 states throughout the nation. GAPs has created many educational materials with the goal to reduce microbial risks in fruits and vegetables by developing a comprehensive extension and education program for growers and packers.
Food Safety Outreach Program
USDA-NIFA Food Safety Outreach Competitive Grant Program provides funding for food safety training and education for small and mid-sized producers and processors affected by the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).
UF Food Safety Outreach Program
Florida Organic Growers
FOG educates producers, consumers, media, institutions and governments about the benefits of organic and sustainable agriculture, local food systems, food safety, and Farm Bill opportunities.
Food Safety Modernization Act
A piece of legislation passed in 2011, intended to increase the safety of food manufacturing and distribution for consumers by giving the FDA new powers that it didn’t have before. All food manufactures and food distributors need to know what’s included in this act, but unfortunately, as with most laws, the actual document can leave food companies with more questions than answers.